Tuesday's Team Meeting: The Attendees
Women's Team: Meghan Decarlo, Amy Denholtz, Alyssa Douma, Sarah Fairbrook, Erin Higgins, Erika Meling
Men's Team: Keith Anacker, Ashwin Anantharaman, Mike Anis, Ken Goglas, Chris Heibell, Zak Martins, Steve Mennitt, Tim Morgan, Jeff Perrella, Chuck Schneekloth
Decision 1: Gorilla 5k
As a huge fundraiser for our club, we all decided that we must get more aggressive in promoting our team's event. This involves inviting people to the Facebook group "Get the Gorilla 5k." It also means posting the website link www.gorilla5k.orgon our FB statuses, along with reaching out to friends and family to get them out.
Can you spend 15 minutes today doing so today? It's less than two months away! Here is group page to add friends: http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/448855308479383/.
Decision 2: Club XC National Selection Process
The group agreed that selecting one women's team (7) and two men's teams (14) could be challenging. We discussed the importance of finding a fair process to select who goes to Kentucky on December 8-9. Two suggested processes included:
1. Committees. 3-5 neutral GSTC members would collaborate with a rubric of considered factors; different committees would exist for men and women. Members would be unbiased, i.e. Ken Goglas would be fine for the women's committee, but not for the men's committee. All fall races would be considered, but there would be an emphasis on the Gorilla 5k/8k and USATFNJ 8k XC race in late October.
2. A "Performance List" or "Point System" would be created based on both participation, performance, and other factors.. All fall races would be considered, but there would be an emphasis on the Gorilla 5k/8k and USATFNJ 8k XC race in late October.
Decision 3: Traveling to Nationals
The group considered three options prepared by Ken Goglas:
1. Driving, leaving Thursday. Total cost $5,400. (Van $1400, Gas $700, Hotels $3300)
2. Flying, leaving Thursday. Total cost: $11,810 (Airfare $7700, Car Rentals $690, Gas $120, Hotels $3300)
3. Flying, leaving Friday. Total cost: $10,500. (Airfare $7700, Car rentals $480, Gas $120, Hotels $2200).
Based on various considerations, including the fact that there is NO direct flight to Kentucky, the group agreed option #1 is the best one. If 15 (of 21) get $300 travel stipend (82% PLP performance), there will be no cost to any individual or the club.
Decision 4: Uniform Selection
The group considered fourteen different fabric samples. Both men and women agreed on sample #7.
Regarding uniforms, the men selected option "D" and the women selected option "C." Those selections are attached, and decisions were unanimous.
Bryan Swarn, CEO of Phenetix, designed the four prototypes for the GSTC selection process. Not only did he not charge us for his time for these designs, he is offering us the uniforms at cost.
The group agreed that all members would pay for their own uniform, and emails would be sent out to members on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Our goal is so send out the team order by Wednesday.
Decision 5: USATFNJ Open Grand Prix Proposal
The group ratified the GSTC proposal for the USATF-NJ Open Grand Prix Championship Series. The club will be presenting this nine-race series and three rule changes at the next fall USAF-NJ meeting.
Elite Club Application: From Big Ken Goglas
I am trying to get a short bio on everybody for the emerging elite and elite sections of our website and elite club application. Check the site and if you need to update your bio and contact me it needed. I also need a bio from the following people: Peter Bolgert, Daniel Brathwaite, Mike Brito, Shawn D'Andrea, Craig Donnelly, Hamer Farag, Antonio Gaines, Ryan Grote, Tahlief Jackson, Jon Karlsson, Marshall King, Aaron Lucas, Jamie Liberti, Steve Mennitt, Arvid Pagsanjan, Tom Poland, Mike Saparito, Brandon Smith, Jason Staggers, Jon Welsh, Steve Ambrosi, Jibril Beamon, Meghan DeCarlo, Tyler Foss, Alex Fowlie, Steve Geiger, Reggie James, Sam Janssen, Carson Keers-Flood, Erika Meling, Kapil Sathyakumar, Danielle Stanton, Simon
Vuong, and Eric Weber.
If you think we made a mistake and forgot you, we probably did, you should send me something too. Your bio should include any HS or college you graduated from, especially if its from NJ and the year at which you did so. Also put in there you best events and best times/marks in them. A good example is this:
Ken is a 2011 graduate of Ramapo College of NJ where he was a member of the Cross Country and Track and Field Teams. Walsh owns PR's of 2:04 (800), 4:17(1500), 4:39 (mile), 27:30 (8k), 27:38 (5 mile), 59:06 (10 mile), 1:15:24 (20k), 1:21:03 (half marathon), and 3:03:50 (marathon).
You can contact me over Facebook (Ken Goglas) or email me.
Ogletree Sets GSTC 5k Record
Asbury Park- Usually we don't talk much about summer races...because most of us are training hard and not racing hard. However, somehow Cheyenne Ogletree, in the midst of heavy summer base training, clocked 18:08.63 at Saturday's Asbury Park 5k. Wow....nice job Cheyenne....someone is getting fit and breaking club records in August. We can't wait to see what happens in a few months!
Quotes of the Week
"Are those purple shorts? I have a thing for colored running shorts." -Chris Heibell, at Tuesday team run
"I can't wait to race and prove something!" -Courtney Stanton, via G-Chat
"Can we put the team logo over the groin area" -Jeff Perrella, discussing uniform options at Tuesday night team meeting
"I have been fortunate to be hooked up to an amazing running club, Garden State Track Club, and until today's solo 13 miles I almost forgot what it was like to run some distance in solitude. In retrospect I am not sure how I ran on my own for years in Philadelphia." -Rich Angelillo, FB post on his birthday
"It was great to meet all of you lovely ladies tonight! I look forward to running races with all of you! :)" -Nicole Callaghan-Gronbeck, post on women's team FB group
"I should be glad to pass off this "honor" to him, but in some strange way, I want to keep it for myself. Not win it, just keep the namesake. Maybe it's the fear that it strikes in people that I like." -Tim Morgan via email, when asked if his award should be renamed if someone else wins it this year.
Times Just Don't Matter Here
One of the most anticipated rivalries is slowly heating up, and shame on us if we didn't report this weekend's results that only builds suspense for the fall racing season.
Yes, Bonica vs Decarlo- synonymous with "Jamaica vs USA" in sprints, "Ethiopia vs Kenya" in distance running, and....awww hell, who knows about throwing and jumping.
We digress. What the greater GSTC community needs to know is that, in two different locations, on two different days this weekend, they both ran a 5k....and were a mere 5 seconds apart. Times? It doesn't matter. The excuses are interesting though, as Bonica (who was the faster, in full disclosure) reported, "The course was long." Decalro, on the other hand, claimed, "It was 90 degrees...I got up at 5am....I didn't have time to warm up properly."
Okay, so reporting these text messages aside, the conditions will be the same, and no excuses will be valid, as these two sluggers duke it out in a month...
Team Runs: You'll Be Happy You Came
Monday: 5:30 @ Philadelphia's Wissahickon Trail (660 West Rittenhouse St., Philadelphia, PA 19144) w/ Adin, Chuck, Peter, and Shawn. Hit up Chuck or Adin if you want in!
Tuesday 6:15 @ Buccleuch Park (parking lot near bathrooms)
Wednesday 6:15 @ Morristown Running Company (park in Wells Fargo lot after 5:00 for free)
Thursday 6:15 @ Buccleuch Park
Friday 9:30am @ Boyd Park (New Brunswick- parking lot left of Rutgers boathouse)
Sunday: 8:30 @ Deer Path Park (site of 5k and 8k USATF-NJ Cross Country Championships)
The ladies want to do a BBQ afterward....so please beware.
This Week in Training
As always, please check the Sprint Squad FB group page!
At this point, you should be at your mileage goal or within a week of reaching it. We've played with some injections of pace (credit to BBC) over the last few weeks but it's time to structure it a bit. Remember that it's still very early so any of the faster stuff that we do should still be mainly aerobic.
Tuesday's fartlek run should alternate between pickups that approach threshold pace, followed by recovery intervals that are still an honest tempo. So if your threshold pace is 6:00/mile, run your pickups around 6:10 pace, then the recovery intervals around 7:30. So if you go 8 miles, do 1.5 miles warmup, then go straight into 2:00 on/3:00 off, or 1:30 on/3:30 off - you choose - then take the last mile as an easy cooldown. Don't make it a continuous interval workout - it's easy to make this mistake by running the pickups too fast. Be smart and remember it's better to run a little too slow on these than too fast.
So here's what your week should look like:
Monday - comfortable distance + strides/hill sprints
Tuesday - fartlek work
Wednesday - uptempo medium run - 75% of your long run distance. aim to run the second half or the run at T pace + 20 seconds.
Thursday - super easy 40-60 minutes
Friday - 20-25 min threshold run - go at T pace + 5 seconds just to ensure that you're not running too fast. Take a full recovery, then cap it off with 4x200 at mile pace with 200 jog
Saturday - same as Monday
Sunday - long run!