15k Next Weekend! Round 2 of USATF-NJ Grand Prix Coming Up
The second all-division championship of the USATF-NJ Grand Prix is happening next Saturday at the scenic Clinton 15k. Interested in hopping in and contributing to the team score? Holla at us: gardenstatetrackclub@gmail.com. Or don't, and miss the time of your life. It's a beautiful course, and it's a great opportunity to meet some new teammates!
Masters Men: Chris Weiss, Don Weiss, William Herring, Eric Davis, Lee Mooney, Nick Van Langen, Kenny Huryk, Yuki Negoro, John Bergacs, Karl Leitz, Jeremy Stratton
Masters Women: Pat Butcher, Stephanie Edwards, Martha Grinnell, Jenny Poherence, Lisa Rumer, Sarah Hersey, Prudence Jones, Sandi Kaspszyk, Erin Varga, Sheera Siegel
Open Men: Ken Goglas, Peter Bolgert, Chuck Schneekloth, Atilla Sabahoglu, Joe Zeoli, Ted Doyle, Steve Olin, Mark Minervini, Stephen Mennitt, Kyle Price, ashwin Anantharaman, Matt Eder
Open Women: Karen Auteri, Katie Castro, Aya Takeichi, Cheyenne Ogletree, Leah Roberts, Jessica Redden, Aimee Chegwidden, Adrienne Viola, Corinne Fitzgerald, Amanda Chaneski
SIGN UP HERE www.countryrun.us
April 26: The New Jersey Marathon.
May 30: adidas Grand Prix Youth Qualifier.
June 13: adidas Grand Prix.
Team Stuff If you need any sort of running apparel, please contact Joe Jacobs from the Sneaker Factory- Florham Park. He has uniforms, warm ups, and a great discount to all aGSTC members!!! His email is joejacobs926@hotmail.com, or you can find him on Facebook.
If you wish to purchase team shirts, hoodies, jackets, scarfs, hats, beanies, etc., check out the aGSTC team store here.
Boston Marathon Men's Open Team William Appman (920), Shawn D'Andrea (402), Mike Loenser (4276), Nick Murphy (1628), Iain Ridgway (281)
Women's Open Team Meghan Bruce (11768), Aya Leitz (8870), Jennifer Lucas (12666) Erika Meling (6131)
Men's Masters Team Brian Harris (14951), Katl Leitz (10640), Chris Sallade (1102)
Penn Relays Friday and Saturday, April 24-25th. aGSTC will be competing in the Olympic Development sections of the 4x100, 4x400, long jump, triple jump, and 110 high hurdles.
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Those who have paid dues will have the spring training plan sent to them; it is built around the team schedule. It will be done via a google doc. There are other plans available as well.
Intermediate/advanced 1500m-5k: on the track for indoor and outdoor track, 6-7 days a week of running, 2 weekly workouts and a long run
Intermediate/Advance Marathon: 6-7 days of runningThe focus being on a weekly workout and long run
Beginner 5k-HM: 4 days a week of running focus on weekly workout and long run
Email ken_goglas@hotmail.com for access to other plans or a specific individualized plan that fits your needs and goals. Spring plan built around USATF-NJ team races here Marathon Plan (Intermediate/Advanced) here 5k-Half Marathon Beginner: here
Kyle's Korner
by Kyle Price
Prudence Jones Kyle's Korner is a segment of the Club's weekly email that will focus on reacquainting you with a different current club member each week. We will catch you up on how they are doing with regards to their training, their lives, and other general nonsense. This segment intends to be informative and educational while attempting humor in a purely inoffensive way. Mostly.
This weeks edition of the Korner reveals more surprises from our Masters Women. Dr. Prudence Jones, whom many know of, but may not know well, gives us her story about inspiration, success, a crazy schedule, and Springsteen. Let's learn a little bit more about the real team doctor. Sorry Mike.
Kyle: Hello Prudence, thank you for joining us!
Ms. Jones: Thanks for having me!
Kyle: How has your season been going?
Ms. Jones: Better since the weather has warmed up. I've been running a lot the past couple of weeks. My mileage definitely suffered this winter.
Kyle: A lot of cross training this winter?
Ms. Jones: The 20k was difficult because of the wind and because I hadn't been running a lot, but things are looking better for the 15k.
To some extent yes, but there was also a lot of not running and being frustrated about that.
Kyle: Feeling confident for the 15 I take it?
Ms. Jones: Yes--I ran it last year so I know to save some energy for the hill near the end.
And I love running in April. My kind of weather.
Kyle: Ooo.. Course ending hills, never fun. But yes the weather now is certainly a big plus.
Ms. Jones: Yes. I find that actually wanting to go outside makes running much easier.
Kyle: Indeed! Are you training for a certain big race this season?
Ms. Jones: I'm pretty excited about the College Ave Mile. I've been getting some track workouts in to work on speed.
Kyle: Certainly a big a race for our club. Do you train on your own?
Ms. Jones: Yes and no. I have Ken's plan, but I'm not that good at following directions. I try to do at least 2 of the following every week: long run, speed work, fartlek or tempo type run and then I fill in with easy runs. I have found that too much intensity in one week leads to more days off than I like. I love running and want to do it frequently without getting injured, which means I am somewhat sparing with more intense efforts. If I have a race, I will use that as the week's hard effort.
Kyle: It's always smart to take cues from your body. You're a graduate of our study striders group correct?
Ms. Jones: I am still active in the Steady Striders group!
Kyle: Whoops, getting ahead of myself again. How has the group helped you with your running?
Ms. Jones: Finding a group of people who run your pace is one of the greatest things in running. The miles fly by when you do them with friends. Steady Striders, like the club as a whole, is a really supportive group of runners. We all encourage each other and have fun running together. If I could recommend one thing to anyone reading this, it would be to come out to group runs.
Kyle: That is definitely one of my biggest motivators. So how long have you been running?
Ms. Jones: I started in August of 2009. Before that, I would watch the Boston Marathon every year (I grew up a few miles from the course) and think it would be great to be a runner. I would then go out, try to run a mile, decide that running was hard, and quit until the next April. In 2009 a friend of mine wanted to run a 5k and wanted some company doing it so I said I'd run it with her. I figured I had to be able to run 3.1 miles so I started trying to work up to that distance. The first day, I got 1.25 miles before I had to stop and walk. Over about a month, I got up to 3 miles and we had a great time running the 5k. We did a few more races, the longest of which was 5 miles. By that time, running was starting to feel not so hard and I was enjoying it. My friend has moved on to other fitness activities, but I stuck with running.
Kyle: I feel like you just gave me the plot to an inspirational running movie. That's awesome! I'm glad you found your place in a sport that you've been a fan of for so long.
Ms. Jones:I think if you grow up in the Boston area, you're a running fan on some level.
Kyle: At least around marathon time. What keeps you busy when you aren't training? I know that you're the real resident GSTC Dr despite the title the good Dr Anis has earned himself.
Ms. Jones: Haha. Yes, I have a Ph.D. in Classical Philology from Harvard and I teach Greek, Latin, and other Classics/Humanities related things at Montclair State University. My students keep me pretty busy--right now I'm teaching Beginning Latin, Intermediate Latin, and Roman History. I also teach online classes during the summer, so if there are any GSTC-ers who need some college credits, hit me up! Probably the most fun/unusual course I teach is a class on the music and cultural impact of Bruce Springsteen. That one relates to another activity that keeps me busy: I have seen over 100 Springsteen concerts.
Kyle: Do you practice sorcery as well? It's amazing you have the time to run with a crazy schedule like that. And you must be The Boss' number one fan with that record!
Ms. Jones: I have not officially practiced sorcery (other than an assignment in grad school to write a curse in ancient Greek). Alas, I am far from breaking the record on Springsteen show attendance. There are people who started before I was born!
Kyle: You might be able to learn some from The Boss himself, he's definitely got some magic about him.
Ms. Jones: True!
Kyle: Well thank you so much for speaking with us.
Ms. Jones: Thank you!
Kyle: Tune in next week to see who we interview! |
This Week's Team Event
Columbia Trail, Long Valley + Awesome Buffett Brunch at Long Valley Pub and Brewery 9:00 Sunday Team Run Run starts across the street from Somerset Hills Bank. Bank: 24 Schooleys Mountain Road Long Valley 07853 Brunch: One Fairmount Road Long Valley
Weekend Results
Bach, Redden Roll at Unite Half Marathon | Redden with her bronze medal | | Bach at the awards podium |
New Brunswick- Numerous aGSTC'ers competed last weekend at the Unite Half Marathon, and two of them made the podium.
Matt Bach was the club's highest finisher averaging 5:38 a mile, coming in second overall with a PR of 73:48. While a good ninety seconds off the leader, Bach won a hard-fought battle for third with NYC's Jason Holder, who ended up finishing just six seconds behind him.
Jessica Redden also ran a solid race, finishing third overall with a time of 1:29:41. The East Brunswick resident held a 6:51 pace for the 13.1 mile course that circles around various campuses around Rutgers University.
Other club finishers included Ezra Chefitz (1:26:10, PR), Brian Deutschmaster (1:29:32, PR), Liam Ramsey (1:30:03, PR), Judah Axelrod (1:37:08, PR), Kelly Thow (1:39:11, PR), Kristina Petillo (1:42:55 PR), Astha Saini (1:53:04, PR), and Rachsel Ratner (2:03:01, PR), Erika Bow (2:08:18), Rachel Elfoully (2:24:21), and Megan Cafferty (2:31:46).
In the 8k, masters runner Steve Warren was an impressive third overall in 31:37, while Ana Garcia finished in 60:42.
4x100, Vassell, Ogletree Win at Rider Rider University- The club competed in its second track and field meet of the year this spring at the Rider Invitational and, in a huge change, the ladies dominated the gold medals.
The meet's opening event, the women's 4x100 relay of Bianca Marten, Shene Davis, Alica Ross, and Antoinette Padilla thundered to a dominating win and club record of 47.52. Padilla later was second in the 100m (12.27), Marten first in the long jump (5.98m), and Davis sixth in the 100m (12.68).
Although slowed by a strong headwind, Racquel "Rocky" Vassell won the 100 high hurdles in a quick 14.24, also a club record. In the high jump, Kelsey Lewis grabbed second place with a 1.60m leap. Cheyenne Ogletree easily ran away with the 5,000m with a 18:09.33 time, as teammates Nicole Salge (19:03.79) and Christina Chafos (20:32.52) ran well. In the 1500, less than two seconds separated three GSTC'ers in racing in three separate heats: Chelsea Callan (4:59.0), Alyssa Douma (4:59.34), and Ally Black (5:00.67). Callan, Douma, and Black joined Erin LaCosta to take fifth in the 4x800 in the meet's penultimate event.
Big Day for Men Tracksters | Josh Chavanne outleans NYU to win the 4x400 heat |
The men brought a full squad, as well, to the Rider Invitational. While they didn't walk away with as many gold medals, many athletes had outstanding performances. In the sprints, George Erazo ran a club season-leading 400IH mark of 56.26, with teammates Jamal John (56.57) and Jessie Patterson (57.50) in tow. Erazo later came back and ran a sizzling 49.1 split on the team's 4x400 relay that won the second heat in 3:26.50. Ish Robbins lead a legion of athletes in a windy 400m, as he finished in 51.74. Pierre Checo (51.91), Mark Parisen (52.14), and Josh Chavanne (53.71) were other top finishers. | Duncan gets the baton from Robbins in the 4x100 |
The men's 4x100, who won't be at full force until Penn Relays with anchor Cyrus Wesley, ran a strong 43.34 for third overall.
In the distance events, Ken Goglas was third in the 5k with a 15:35.17. Six competed well in the mile, with top finisher Josh Neyhart finishing 4th in 4:02.58. Dennie Waite (4:08.61), Jarrett Kunze (4:11.31), Matt Eder (4:11.36), David Fett (4:17.43), and Edsel Flores (4:25.60) were other top club finishers. At meet's end, Kunze, Waite, Parisen, and Eder teamed up to finish 3rd in the 4x800.
Sabahoglu Wins Cherry Blossom 10k Newark- Atilla Sabahoglu , the defending 2014 USATF-NJ Grand Prix Overall Champion, is rounding back in shape as he won his first race of the 2015 road racing season, the Cherry Blossom 10k. Averaging 5:22 a mile, "Atilla The Run" won by 34 seconds over Aomar Ait Boumalek. Ted Doyle, who also is very fit, finished third with a 34:00 final time.
54 year old Yuki Negoro ran an impressive 39:12 to finish second in his age group. Other club finishers included Aya Leitz (41:30, 1st AG), Karl Leitz (41:43, 3rd AG), Heather McDermott (44:04, 2nd AG), Kat Berka (44:49, 2nd AG), and Shaun McGeever (49:49).
Indian Trails 15k Three masters runners competed in the Indian Trails 15k, perhaps the most bruising and difficult race in New Jersey. Peter Auteri finished 39th in 1:14:46., good for 2nd in his 60-54 age group. Fran Beideman came in at 1:17:49, good for first in the 65-69 age group, while John Bergacs came in at 1:36:33, 8th in his 60-64 age group.
Quotes of the Week, aka Ashwin's Week of Sh/Fame "Did you put off doing the weekly email like I put off doing my taxes?" -Mike Anis
"Oh, and you get him for FREE **drops mic**" -Tyrone Ross, after complimenting aGSTC sprint coach Carmine DeNicola on the Fb track and field page
"We're happy to announce we're not running for president. We're just going to keep winning @USATFNJ races and developing elite talent." -Josh Neyhart via aGSTC twitter account
"I would be some poor lost (slow) soul chugging away at 9:30 pace still if I never joined (the GSTC)." -Ezra Chefitz, via text after PRing in the half marathon by ten minutes
"I don't need science to know that." -Chris Schneider, via FB, in response to posted article "Male Long Distance Runners Are Super Sexy, Says Science."
"Big ups to Big Will at practice today. Took a nasty fall on the first rep, finished the workout anyway, and then helped my sorry a$% after I crashed and burned on the cool down from pushing the workout a little too hard. You're the man." -Kyle Price, via FB, regarding Will Alston after the team practice.
"Yes another PR." -Kristina Petillo after the Unite HM
"Thanks Ashwin. I'm glad we all know that. How about, nice run Brian, enjoy the massage." -Ken Goglas, via FB, responding to ashwin announcing "I am about to head out on my run now" under Brian Weitz' post about his run and upcoming massage.
"I can't even say Fonderanantharaman with any face." -Meghan Bruce, via FB, about the April Fool's Joke changing the name of the Princeton Enclave
"I thought we had something special, Ashwin." -said no girl, ever. Actually, it was Mike Fonder on FB.
"Ashwin I believe those are sold as underwear." -Josh Neyhart, via FB, commenting on Ashwin's "running tights"
"Can we get some better looking people for our photo? Driving away my recruits!" -Matt Baker, via FB, a subtle dig at Ashwin
"Runner's bday=hard day or less hard day or meet day. But nonetheless a day of track." -Curtis Johnson on Logan Sharpe's wall for his birthday
"Now and then I think to myself, how fortunate I was to find GSTC. Up until now, it has surely been one of the greatest chapters in my life. Some advice I would offer to anyone: if you see an opportunity to affect positive change around you, grab the baton and run with it." -Mike Anis, via FB
"Agreed! GSTC not only led to faster times, but it is because of this club that I met Dave, found my dream job, and met amazing lifelong friends." -Karen Auteri, via FB, in response to Mike's post
"I think Chris was saying that an after party on Sunday won't work because then he'll be tired and possibly hungover for work and he's far too responsible for that." -Steve Jackson , via FB, jokingly explaining Chris Schneider's comment that he can't attend a Sunday run and brunch.
TMA: Totally Misunderstood Award
Three members of the Atilla Sabahoglu Fan Page? Someone get this man some more fans!! A Message from the President We now have a limited supply of black team hoodies and black tech team shirts for purchase. If you're interested in buying one, email us at gardenstatetrackclub@gmail.com.
2015 adidas GSTC Spring Racing Schedule
April 25 Clinton 15k All Divisions May 2 Newport 10k Open Men, Women May 25 Ridgewood 10k Masters Men June 6 *College Ave Mile All Divisions June 15 President's Cup Open Men June 28 Lager Run Masters Women
2015 adidas aGSTC Spring Track Schedule April 11 Rider Invite April 17-18 Larry Ellis (Princeton) April 23-25 Penn Relays April 25 TCNJ Lions Invite May 11 Swarthmore Last Chance May 30 GSTC Invitational (Highland Park) | | It's time to pay your 2015 Team Dues. The club has many operating expenses that depend on membership dues.
 | Check your enclave Facebook pages for enclave group runs.
The team has two under-the-lights track practices at Highland Park HS: Monday and Wednesday (5:30pm). We also train Saturday mornings at 10:00am at the same location. All are welcome....come do your workout! | | | | | |