Sunday, December 23, 2012

(12/24-12/30): Vote on 2012 GSTC Awards!

2012 GSTC Awards: Vote NOW!
The winners of all awards will be announced at the GSTC Awards Night on Friday night, January 25, 2013 at Road Runner Sports in North Brunswick.

All members are encouraged to vote on all awards.  If you're not sure, just vote for the person with the coolest name!

Here we go....let your voice be heard HERE.  Have fun!

2013 GSTC Dues: Do NOW!
We understand some difficulty opening the previous link last week; that issue has been fixed.

Thanks to the many who did this already.  To all those slackers out there....

Here's the link again: Stay Off the TMA List Here!

GSTC-Rutgers Award Night
They were last week, and as the attached pictures show, they were quite thrilling.  Just wait until the whole-club awards night on Friday, 1/25.  Along with announcing the awards from the above survey, there will be one award that will be voted on that night: best dressed at the awards night.  In addition to all awards, the GSTC coaches will be recognized for their efforts in 2012.  And please don't's also a save some running gear to buy on 1/25 at Road Runner Sports in North Brunswick!  

TMA: It's Back, and It's Bad 
1.  We love Doug Rice at Raceforum, but the guy mistakenly put a full-page color Road Relays advertisement in his winter booklet.  That's a $300 cost, but we didn't order it, so......yeah.  We'll take the free PR!

2.  Do you remember those "I've fallen and I can't get up?" TV infomercials with the old woman on the ground?  Ehh, sounds like old man DeCarlo had a tumble down his stairs....just moments before his big holiday bash.  Ouch.  

3.  We love writer Gary Anolik, and we LOVE his articles on the GSTC, but you gotta read his article this week on the GSTC.  The media will leave it at that.  We will include it next week.....

4.  Anyone who doesn't vote for Tim Morgan and Zak Martins for the 2012 TMA

GSTC Hits Track on 1/5
You wanna jump in on the West Point meet?  Please email back with an event and seed-time.  Most will be able to be accommodated.  

Next Week's Email: The Last of 2012
The yearly highlight video, or year in review, of the club comes out next week.  The 2011 highlight video, mixed in some spring 2012 events, is here.

We need your help selecting a background song, however.  Sounds like a FB thread.

This Week in Training: Dr. Tafelski is Back in the Office!
It's time to get back to basics!  We're going to take a few weeks to reboot and freshen up before we start thinking about competition.  Since we're going to be low-keying things for awhile, you can use this as an opportunity to add a few new ingredients to the mix: core strength and flexibility work are good things to add now while the running intensity and volume are down.

Here are the basic ingredients you need:
1) Comfortable paced distance runs
2) Weekly long run (20-25% of your weekly volume, depending on how many runs you do per week) - usually Sunday
3) moderate medium-distance run in the middle of the week - I like Wed
4) strides 3x/week
5) 6-10 8-10second hill sprints on the steepest hill you can find (2x/wk)

1) Core strength - Check out Jay Johnson's lunge matrix, myrtl routine, and pedestal routine -
2) flexibility - the Whartons are the best - you can buy a rope to stretch with for 15 bucks or you can make one for 4 dollars by going to home depot and buying 8 feet of rope, melting the ends with a lighter and duct taping them.  The Blue Devils made 55 of them in 15 minutes.  The basic routine can also be found on Jay Johnson's site but here's a Youtube link -  You can also get "The Stretch Book" by the Whartons if you have a gift card you're looking to burn.

This week, we're looking for about 65-70% of your goal volume for the season.  If you're not sure what that should be, e-mail me with a breakdown of what you did this past fall and we'll work together to set a reasonable goal.  Remember that the overall goal isn't to run as many miles as you can - the goal is to race faster - the two don't always go together.  Make sur eyour runs are easy this week, since you're coming back from a break - this is prime time for aches and pains.  Take care of them, don't ignore them!

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