Monday, July 29, 2013

(7/29-8/4): The GSTC Summer Grocery List

Call To Action: The Fall Season Is Close
Okay, so's almost August.  Which means it's almost September.  Which means it's almost time to start rocking the black and gold once again.  If you have one, that is.  

Here's your GSTC Summer Grocery List:

1.  Mark your calendars for the team races (see schedule below)!  These are open to all members, fast or slow, and it's just the best times for everyone to see each other.  We open up at the Belmar Chase 5k on August 10th.  There is a team competition for MOST TEAM MEMBERS PARTICIPATING, and the winning team gets some sweet goodies.  Please please sign up HERE and be sure to put in GSTC in th "Coupon Code" box.

2.  Get your uniform. They take 4-6 weeks, so hop on it ASAP!

3.  LIKE our Facebook page.  After three years of posting some of Facebook's most thrilling pictures ("Here we are running around inc circles...again!")

4.  Sign up for USATF.  Yeah, you need to for team competitions.  It's quick and easy.  Make sure you indicate your affiliation with the GSTC, team #385!

5.  Become an official 2013 GSTC member.  Even quicker and easier!

6.  Get your boo-tay to a team run!  See schedule below.

7.  Recruit a friend, fast or slow.  Spread the love baby!

This Week's Team Runs 
Tuesday   6:00 @ Buccleuch Park (New Brunswick: Erika:
Tuesday   6:00 @ Holmdel Park (Beach Enclave: Ken
Tuesday    7:30 AM @ Garrett Mountain (North Enclave: Alyssa -
Wednesday 6:00 @ Pt Boro HS: 6pm workout with Coach Greer (Beach Enclave: Ken
Wednesday  6:15 @ Morristown Running Company (Mo-Town Enclave: Woody
Wednesday   6:00 @ Canal Path by off Washington Road (Princeton Enclave: Mike
Wednesday:  6:30 PM @ Overpeck Park Ampitheater, Ridgefield Park NJ w/Food Truck Festival after!!! (
Thursday  6:00 @ Buccleuch Park (New Brunswick: Erika:
Thursday 6:30 PM @ Garrett Mountain (North Enclave--Rob
Friday 5:30 PM @ Canal Path off Washington Road (email Peter at
Saturday  9:00am @ Morristown Running Company (Mo-Town Enclave: Woody
Saturday  10:00 @ Highland Park HS- Steady Striders!  See blurb below.

Sunday team run at Duke Farms 8:30am- address 80 U.S. 206  Hillsborough Township, NJ 08844.  A very cool place with some interesting history:  A pool party to follow!!!!

GSTC Personal Training Tip of the Week
by Erika Meling
Having a strong core is essential for runners. It can help prevent muscular related injuries, keep good running form, and better your race performances. The Superman targets the entire back, which is an important part of the core and a common injury-prone area for runners.

Want to read more and see her demonstrate via video?  Cha cha check it out here.

Steady Striders
by Amy Denholtz
This weekend our steady striders have a track practice, lead by GSTC founder and head coach Chuck Schneekloth.  We will meet at the Highland Park High School at 10am on Saturday, Aug. 3rd.  The address for the HPHS is 102 North Fifth Avenue, Highland Park.  Parking is available behind the school by the track.  Please RSVP to Amy at so I have an idea of who to expect.

Wir Haben Results
Despite the summer being a real lull in racing, we got a few things.  First, congratulations to Erika Meling and Karen Auteri, who swept the top two spots in the "Running with the Bulloons" 5k Sunday morning.  Erika ran 19:19, averaging 6:13 pace, while Karen finished in 19:52 at 6:23 pace over some cross country type trails. 

Next up, TJ and Jill Zablocki competed in the "24 Hours Around the Lake" in Wakefield, MA.  Opting to do the twelve hour option from 7pm to 7am, the challenge is to complete as many 3.17-mile laps as possible in the twelve hour time period.  125 runners evidently signed up for this madness!

Anyway, Jill finished 19 laps (61.11 miles, for those without calculators)....good for first women and second overall.  For her Herculean efforts, she nabbed $500.  Husband TJ completed 17 laps, for 54.77 miles.  After shrugging off a sick-spell with a short nap, he clinched the third male finisher, claiming $100 in prize money.

Meet #chasepack
We've had captains for our racing group and our beginner group, organizing and empowering our members in the front of the pack...and in the back.  But what about everyone in between, the folks who run IN the pack, who ARE the pack, who seem to always be chasing everyone else, who aren't in the front or the back, but rather...smack dab in the middle of every race?  Now we have a group for them, the #chasepack, with captains Brianne Teichmann and Woody Kongsamut, leading the charge.  Want to say hi and introduce yourself?  Email at and'd love to hear from ya!

Gold Star
by Ashwin "The Galloping Indian" Anantharaman

Chris Croff
Chris is a star runner who agreed to join GSTC on conditions that are different than any other runner ever. Known for his trademark polo shirt he runs races in, he decided that he will only join if Chuck buys him a GSTC polo shirt. The polo shirt obviously must match our compression shorts or as he calls them "booty shorts". His pre race ritual consists of going to the bathroom to get the nerves out of his system before he goes to work. His goal is to post fast enough times to impress GSTC's own Ryan Grote. He has prs of 14:46 5k, 30:26 10k, and 69:36 HM. Outside of running he enjoys Magic the Gathering so he can "smash nerds on their own turf." 

Aysha Mirza
Aysha joined GSTC after a group effort of many of our members like Cathy Stutzman, Rob DeCarlo, Karen Auteri and of course old man Chuck. Impressed by our recent victory at USATF Club Nationals, Aysha knew that we were the real deal and decided to join. Before races Aysha has to have her nails done. She has a specific design for races but is changing it up for the marathon she plans to run. She also enjoys a nice bowl of pasta the night before and day of the race. The day of the race she also eats a peanut butter powerbar along with water. Her prs are 5k:2012, 1600:542, 800:236. Her goals include breaking or getting back to her PRs, to compete at nationals, and to make sure GSTC goes to the Adidas Grand Prix meet so she can watch her boy Nick Symmonds. She might be one of the smartest people on the team as she earned a certificate in Stem Cell Biology while pursuing my MBS at UMDNJ, and a dual degree in Cell Biology and Neuroscience/Psychology from Rutgers University. She is a huge fan of the Big Bang Theory!!!!!She hopes to go to Med School in the near future. Right now she is a full time model who hopes to get into acting as well. 

A Message From A GSTC Pole Vaulter
by Elvis Cole

Hello Garden State Track family!
Hope you're all having a great SUMMER, congratulations on our TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!
I'd just like to share with you a health and fitness platform that was introduced to me a few weeks ago. It's called the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge, the #1 weight loss and fitness program in North America.
This company is helping fight against obesity, reduce illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure and getting people in AMAZING shape.
I know we all train hard year round but sometimes our nutrition can take a back seat to our busy lifestyle. There is an easy and simple solution to help us stay on track and prepare for another CHAMPIONSHIP year. We're all role-models to friends, family and our athletes so by taking the 90 
Day Challenge we can help motivate others to live a healthier lifestyle. Lastly, as a track community we can help families in need through the 90 Day Challenge.
The website where you can get more information:
If you're interested in the Challenge please visit my website and fill out the contact form on the right hand
"Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity".

GSTC Fall Racing Schedule
8/10 Belmar Chase 5k @ Belmar (team beach outing afterward!!)
9/1 Jimmy D 5k @ New Brunswick (open women only)
9/22  Liberty Waterfront Half Marathon @ Jersey City
10/20 USATF-NJ XC 5K @ Deer Path Park (Flemington)
10/27 USATF-NJ XC 8K @ Deer Path Park (Flemington)
11/10  Giralda Farms 10k @ Madison (masters women only)
11/28 Ashenfelter 8K @ Glen Ridge

Quotes of the Week
by Ben Dover

"Got an email from some nerd...something about a nerd star."  -Chris Croff, via text, regarding Ashwin's email Gold Star request 

"Get to the point already!"  -masters runner Jeremy Stratton, after team Sunday run, about the pains of reading the weekly email.  With age comes patience....right?

"Btw, we found our wedding venue and selected a date that won't conflict with the College Ave Mile :)"  -Amy Denholtz, via email

"GSTC needs to open up a shoe shore or some other type of retail store.  Then we can lure guys to NJ by giving them cushy jobs in the store."  -Peter Bolgert, via email.  

This Week in Training
Not much new for this week.  We are still building the basics right now, but you should be getting pretty close to full volume around this week.  Again, if you're not sure what full volume should look like for you, shoot me an e-mail with some basic info, like what kind of pace you typically run, what kind of running you've done in the past year, what you've done in the last few weeks, and what you're thinking of doing.  We can come up with something pretty quick.

So we're pretty much going to repeat last week's pattern.  Keep the fartlek pretty comfortable - you can add challenge to the run by keeping the recovery intervals at an honest pace, rather than by making the pickups faster.  Don't forget the strides and hill sprints!

M - comfortable run + hill sprints
T - light fartlek (pickups of 1:00-1:30 on 5:00 cycle)
W - medium run (75% long run)
Th - super easy 40-60 mins
F - comfortable run + strides
Sat - same as Monday
Sun - long run

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