Sunday, October 23, 2011

(October 17-23): NJ 5k is a Week Away!

NJ-USATF 5k is a Week Away!
The fast, slow, and medium will all converge upon Deer Path Park next week for the always-exciting NJ-USATF 5k race.  It will be, easily, the biggest turnout for any event of GSTC history, as we currently have seven teams signed up and ready to roll.  Interested in joining the fun?  Shoot us an email!  We are especially hoping to get a few more ladies jumping in- so fast or slow- or everything in between- if you wanna hop in, please let us know ASAP!
Ladies Only Runs
So this is getting a little complicated- here goes nothing.  If you've never run before, or have limited experience, or know someone like this, email Chelsea at  If you're a Rutgers student and have experience running, drop our GSTC Rutgers ladies captain, Mel, a line at  If you're interested in jumping in next week's 5k for some fun, contact Claire at  
GSTC Invited to Millrose Games
This Millrose Games have been held since 1907- for 104 years- in Madison Square Garden in New York City.  This event has long been a tradition embraced by the international running community for generations.  That said, it came as a tremendous honor when, Friday evening, the GSTC received an email inviting them to partake in three relay events at the Millrose Games: the 4x200, Distance Medley, and Sprint Medley Relays.   


Harris, Warren Win GSTC 600m Time Trial
Congrats to Tony Harris and Shay Warren for winning the men's and women's 600m time trial today at Metuchen HS.  Despite windy conditions, nearly everyone race faster than the last time trial- an indicator that fitness is improving, the training is working, and that December 10's race at Manhattan College will be a fun way to start the season.  Times and videos are below; pictures can be found on GSTC Facebook page.  Sadly, the camera's battery died during the workout.  Sorry 'bout that.
Steps to Follow: Get the Gorilla 5k
Three bananas and a gorilla raided the Rutgers home game yesterday, handing out flyers to promote the GSTC's Get the Gorilla 5k on November 13.  Yes...see picture attached!  The identity of those involved shall remain anonymous for...obvious reasons!
We need you to help spread the word.  This race is gonna be BIG, but we need your help to make it NJ's BEST race of the fall.  Yes we're dreaming big here.  How can you help?
Email this link to friends.  Post it on Facebook walls.  Throw it on Twitter.  Go on Facebook, find the event, and invite your friends to it.  See it as a big bake sale for our class, and the more brownies (entries) we sell, the more money our class (running team) will have to buy everyone bags, uniforms, etc.
Students do run for free with a donation to E4E.  Target everyone: old and young, fast and slow, big and small.   
Team Runs
Monday  5:30 @ RSC
Tuesday  5:30 @ RSC
Wednesday 5:30 @ RSC
Thursday 5:30 @ RSC
Friday  4:30 @ RSC
Saturday   ---
Sunday    5k Race at Deer Path!!!
This Week in Training 
We're getting into the XC races now, so the more you can work out on xc-style surfaces, the better.  That means find some uneven ground, varied surfaces, etc.  My recollection of Deer Path park is that there are several sharp turns on the course that can really wreck your rhythm.  Get used to these types of things during your workouts.
Monday: Comfortable run + 8x80m strides.
Tuesday:  Up and down the ladder, off of a track if at all possible – grass would be ideal.  ½ mile (2 mins rest), mile (3 mins rest), 2-mile (5 mins rest), mile (3 mins rest), ½ mile, all at 8k race pace – simulate the race – that means build up on the 2-mile, step it up on the 2nd mile, and really roll on that last ½!  Don't forget to make adjustments to "race pace" for things like what shoes you're wearing, terrain, surface, etc.  These things matter.
Wednesday – medium run equal to 75% of your long run mileage. Run comfortably but by no means slow.
Thursday – 3 mile tempo (use T pace – don't run too fast!) + 8x400 at mile pace with 2 minutes rest
Friday – Comfortable run + 8x80m strides.
Saturday – Shakeout!  3-6 miles easy + strides.  Visualize Victory.
Sunday – USATF 5k XC Championship
Fantastic work today, overall.  The rest between the 600m and 150m was not as much as last time, but that's okay.  The 600m is the fitness indicator; the 150m is just race replication that is good work for a breezy October afternoon.  We need to recover Monday and Tuesday to be ready for Wednesday's alactic session, and Saturday will be a solid special endurance I workout- everyone's favorite way to begin a weekend.  I am very excited about December 10's opening day meet, as most of you are clearly putting yourselves in a great position for a GREAT winter and spring season.  Indeed, the weather is getting colder slowly...stay consistent and do the small things.  Without a meet for seven weeks, let's continue to focus on the daily process.
Monday:  warm up, 10x100 stride, warm down (LIFT)
Tuesday:  10 minute easy run.  Stretch.  Drills.  Five minute easy run.  Done.
Wednesday: Alactic workout (>7 secs/ no lactate build up); 4 x circuit
Thursday: warm up; 6x200 stride; warm down; (LIFT)
Friday: OFF
Saturday: special endurance I session; 4xcircuit
Sunday:  warm up; 12x50 stride; warm down
Time Trial- 600m Times (last time) Difference +/-
1:23.51  Tony (1:24.1)   -.6
1:23.94  Duval (1:25.2)  -1.3
1:26.98  Mark (1:33.3)   -6.3
1:28.37  Kyle  (n/a)
1:29.36  Gleb  (1:31.4)  -2.0
1:29.90  Wismith (n/a)
1:30.01  Arvid (1:31.8)  -1.8
1:30.23  Tyler  (1:33.2)  -3.0
1:31.07  Alan  (1:30.2)  +1.1
1:31.55  Christian (1:30.6)  +1.0
1:31.63  David (n/a)
1:32.04  Zach (n/a)
1:33.26  Robert (n/a)
1:33.41  Daniel (1:38.8)  -5.4
1:34.65  Andre (1:33.8)   +.8
1:35.03  Eric  (n/a)
1:36.70  Alex  (n/a)
1:38.51  Ky  (1:33.6)   +5.0
1:39.99  Stefan (n/a)
1:42.05  Brian (1:41.0)  +1.0
1:44.13  Ahmand (n/a)
1:52.25  Shay (1:58.8) -6.6
1:53.31  Alyssa (n/a)
1:54.91  Quanisha (2:02.6)  -7.6
1:57.43  Brandon (n/a)
2:07.13  Ataysia (n/a)
2:11.96  Charmayne (n/a)
17.21  Andre
17.51  Robert
17.65  Alan
17.65  Arvid
17.67  Mark
17.69  Tony
17.82  Daniel
17.91  Brian
18.01  Tyler
18.02  Wismith
18.16  Stefan
18.34  David
18.52  Zach
18.64  Gleb
18.70  Alex
18.76  Eric
18.84  Ky
18.90  Ahmand
19.16  Duval
19.82  Brandon
20.23  Kyle
20.66  Quanisha
20.85  Shay
21.04  Ataysia
22.10  Alyssa
23.93  Charmayne

Garden State Track Club
USATF & RRCA Members
2011 President's Cup &
Penn Relays 5k Classic Team Champions

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